Housing disrepair team Darlington

Our team is dedicated to handling claims against council and housing association landlords, ensuring tenants receive secure and habitable living conditions. If your landlord fails to address housing disrepair issues, you may qualify to file a claim.

Our proficient housing disrepair team is ready to support you with your compensation claim. Whether you complete the form on our website or contact us for guidance, we will assess your eligibility for a claim.

Our team will offer you free advice. Upon completion of the form, one of our solicitors will contact you to guide you on what further steps you can take.

If you live in a property in Darlington or any other UK city and the property has become uninhabitable due to disrepair, our disrepair team solicitors can assist you in filing a housing disrepair claim. This is commonly known as lodging a housing disrepair claim.

Our ‘no win, no fee‘ policy means that the entire process is free of charge to you. Call us on 0333 050 9030 to start the process or fill in the form below.

<p>housing disrepair team Darlington</p>

Compensation for housing disrepair in your property

If you live in a council owned property the council is in charge of most home repairs, including minor leaks and emergency repairs. If the council has neglected to act on your complaints, you are entitled to take legal action against them.. Making a claim might result in the court ordering the city to make a repair, as well as compensation for expenses incurred.

Before filing a complaint to the council, it is essential that you confirm they have not responded to your reported issue. It would be prudent for you to report the problem first and wait for their response before taking any further action housing disrepair team can help you.

Can housing disrepair team make a housing disrepair claim against housing associations?

As a social housing tenant, you are entitled to dignified living conditions. If the repairs your home requires have been neglected or ignored by the appropriate authorities, our experienced team of social housing disrepair lawyers can help you take legal action and secure meaningful compensation for any hardships endured as well as damages incurred. Don’t wait – act now! Start by lodging an official complaint with your local association; if needed, consult one of our solicitors who will protect and champion your rights every step of the way.

It is the responsibility of a housing association to ensure that their residences are well-maintained and any issues are quickly rectified. If they fail to do so, then they can be held accountable for any damages or compensation claims made against them as a result of their negligence. Our housing disrepair specialists take into account the physical, emotional, and financial distress that occupants may experience when living in poor conditions.

Are you a Council or Housing association Tenant with housing disrepair issues?
If so we can help you claim compensation on a NO Win, NO Fee basis.

Instant Claim Calculator

Ashley Y

Council Tenant

We had been waiting for 12 months for the damp to be repaired by the council but got nowhere. We were told by a friend that this company could help and within 6 months we received compensation for damages & all the damp and mould was removed.

client 4

Wayne B

Housing Association Tenant

client 4 client 4 client 4 client 4 client 4

Couldn’t leave any clothes in any of the bedrooms due to dampness and mould, our clothes, possessions & electronics were ruined and not to mention the huge amounts of stress this caused over the years. I am so grateful for your help with getting my property repaired for me & the financial compensation awarded to me has changed my life. Thank you so much

Liam M

Council Tenant

My flat was repaired in time for my child’s birth and I received rent refunds and compensation. The team were very helpful and understanding of my dangerous situation.

client 4

Wayne Test Funny

Housing Association Tenant

client 4 client 4 client 4 client 4 client 4

Couldn’t leave any clothes in any of the bedrooms due to dampness and mould, our clothes, possessions & electronics were ruined and not to mention the huge amounts of stress this caused over the years. I am so grateful for your help with getting my property repaired for me & the financial compensation awarded to me has changed my life. Thank you so much

What amount of housing disrepair compensation can i claim ?

A decent level of living is to be expected as a social housing tenant. Our social housing disrepair lawyers can assist you in taking action and obtaining the repairs you require, as well as compensation for any losses or suffering you have endured. If you have issues with your housing association, it is critical that you act right now. You may begin by submitting a concern to the association.

A housing association must make sure that the residences it offers are in good working order, and that any faults are promptly addressed. Otherwise, it may be held liable and required to pay compensation as a result of its conduct or inaction.

Our housing disrepair experts are sensitive to the physical, emotional, and financial difficulties that renting poor housing can cause for renters.

What else is the landlord responsible for?

You are fully entitled to compensation if the disrepair in your home has resulted in illness, property damage, or brought on inconvenience. Furthermore, you should be able to request reimbursement for rent if part or all of your house is rendered unusable due to disrepair. Don’t hesitate – seek out compensation today.

  • Damp problems
  • Mould issues
  • Pest infestations
  • Damaged Windows & Doors
  • Leaking water
  • Pest infestations, Mice, Rats & Insects
  • Broken heating systems
  • Problems with gas pipes or electrical wiring
  • Internal deterioration such as damage to carpet, walls etc.
  • Structural problems, including damaged gutters, drains & pipes
  • Environmental health issues, bathroom, sanitary & sewage

Are you a Council or Housing association Tenant with housing disrepair issues?
If so we can help you claim compensation on a NO Win, NO Fee basis.

Instant Claim Calculator

Do council landlords have to repair damp?

Yes, Landlords are often responsible for dealing with rising damp. This is because there’s an implied term in your tenancy agreement that says that it’s the landlord’s responsibility to keep the exterior and structure of your home in repair.

What is covered in housing disrepair claims?

If your home and its various issues – such as damp, mildew, faulty electricity or structural damage – have caused you distress and financial strife, then you could be able to secure compensation from your landlord. Plus, depending on the situation at hand, there may even be a chance of recovering some of the rent that was paid prior to the repairs being carried out. A housing disrepair claim can cover numerous problematic areas in residential properties; so don’t hesitate to take advantage!

How long do I have to start a housing disrepair claim?

There is no particular expiration of time for lodging a housing disrepair claim, yet it’s wise to act quickly. If you make your complaint promptly, you’ll have an easier time gathering evidence and forcing any potential liable parties to be responsible. Moreover, in certain cases there are strict deadlines that must be followed when filing the claim—just think about personal injury claims; they need immediate attention! Therefore, if you suspect damage caused by disrepair has occurred on your property or rental unit don’t wait too long-take action right away.

If you have been diagnosed with an illness that you believe is caused by mould, you should speak to a solicitor about bringing a claim for compensation.

Is it possible to obtain compensation for mould?

What are the causes of damp and mould? In buildings such as houses and flats, mould is caused by excessive moisture. Mold growth can be a result of leaking pipes, damaged roofs or windows that let in rain, and even using water in your newly constructed home while it’s still drying out. All of these factors must be considered if you want to avoid the potentially serious consequences brought about by mold accumulation.

Are you a Council or Housing association Tenant with housing disrepair issues?
If so we can help you claim compensation on a NO Win, NO Fee basis.

Instant Claim Calculator

How long can Darlington housing associations & council landlords leave you without hot water or heating?

As mandated by English law, your landlord must ensure you have access to a reliable source of hot water or heat at all times. As a tenant, you have the right to central heating or space-heating apparatus in every room of your home. You also deserve access to boiling water whenever necessary.

As a tenant, you have the right to expect your landlord to responsibly maintain all hot water and heating systems as well as appliances that they have set up. Furthermore, it is essential for these devices to be in proper working order; if any problems arise with the heaters or other related equipment within your rental property, then it is incumbent on them to promptly repair and pay for necessary maintenance expenses.

Can i claim compensation for my leaking roof?

As a landlord, you must ensure that your rental property is properly taken care of and maintained. This includes all facets from water to heating systems, drainage pipes to gas and electricity fittings. If there are any issues with water leakage in the residence that you’re responsible for, it’s up to you as the landlord to react quickly and appropriately address the concern.

They must also ensure that the property is safe and fit for human habitation. If water damage has resulted from a water leak, the landlord may also be responsible for repairing this damage.

In most situations, a landlord can’t terminate your tenancy until the problem they are responsible for has been addressed. In the event that your landlord has failed to resolve an issue which makes living there inappropriate for you and your family, then it is possible to take action in such a situation. Even if the property was deemed secure and appropriate before, you have grounds to act due to this breach of responsibility from their end.

Who is responsible for windows and doors in a housing association property?

Although rental agreements may state that tenants are responsible for repairs, it is ultimately the duty of Council & Housing association landlords to bear the cost and manage exterior repairs such as damage to windows or doors.. Damaged or broken windows and doors can lead to many issues, including damp and mould, and can also be a safety risk.

Landlords should ensure that external windows and doors can close and that they are damp and draught-proof. They should fix any eroded sealants, broken door handles or locks, rotten window frames, faulty hinges or broken glass.

Can i make a housing disrepair claim for issues with the building?

By law, the landlord is responsible for dealing with any essential external or structural repairs to their leased property as mandated by Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. This section covers all kinds of necessary repairs – from repair works that affect its structure to those that enhance its visual appeal.

Not only should the landlord be aware of and address safety hazards within the property or its vicinity, but they must also cover any costs associated with repairs. Although you may have to take charge of minor maintenance issues like changing light bulbs according to your lease agreement, landlords are accountable for any major structural renovations that arise.

Are you a Council or Housing association Tenant with housing disrepair issues?
If so we can help you claim compensation on a NO Win, NO Fee basis.

Instant Claim Calculator

Housing disrepair team are National Housing Disrepair experts.

We cover thee whole of the UK, contact us via email, telephone or live chat.